Product Description
ORACAL 8800 is a premium, translucent colored backlit material designed for high-quality illuminated rigid or flexible signage and graphics. With a satin finish and a thickness of 2 mil, this film offers excellent durability and versatility.
Also, consider these additional ORAFOL Graphic Solutions when constructing illuminated signage and graphics:
- ORACAL 8870 Blockout Premium Cast
- ORACAL 8830 Diffuser Premium Cast
- ORACAL 8860 Diffuser Premium Cast
- ORACAL 8500 Translucent High-Performance Cal
- ORAJET 3850 Translucent High-Performance Cal Digital Print Media
- ORAJET 3951 Transparent Cast Digital Print Media
- ORAJET 3551 Transparent High-Performance Cal Digital Print Media
Applications |
Thickness |
Durability |
Release Liner |
Adhesive |
Colors |
Available Lengths |
Available Widths (in inches) |
Print Compatibility |
Data sheets and downloads
Sample Colors – ORACAL® 8800
Natural light
- sRGB229, 230, 231#010white
- sRGB222, 210, 0#025brimstone yellow
- sRGB237, 195, 0#021yellow
- sRGB234, 162, 0#219yolk yellow
- sRGB255, 175, 0#020golden yellow
- sRGB226, 158, 0#019signal yellow
- sRGB247, 140, 0#380blood orange
- sRGB236, 118, 14#351municipal orange
- sRGB223, 78, 11#034orange
- sRGB200, 30, 14#016crimson
- sRGB203, 23, 11#330fox red
- sRGB183, 23, 24#031red
- sRGB193, 21, 48#337cardinal
- sRGB178, 13, 28#017cherry red
- sRGB168, 14, 27#348scarlet red
- sRGB123, 18, 44#030dark red
- sRGB215, 108, 140#044magenta
- sRGB201, 87, 158#413light pink
- sRGB200, 26, 74#420red pink
- sRGB159, 0, 67#421blackberry
- sRGB158, 48, 117#422mulberry
- sRGB131, 149, 192#181lilac blue
- sRGB0, 116, 183#547fjord blue
- sRGB0, 108, 185#507capri blue
- sRGB0, 71, 146#509sea blue
- sRGB17, 46, 125#536middle blue
- sRGB29, 51, 103#183ink blue
- sRGB16, 40, 89#591midnight blue
- sRGB0, 111, 99#066turquoise blue
- sRGB0, 136, 134#682ocean green
- sRGB99, 182, 0#652pin green
- sRGB82, 177, 37#063lime-tree green
- sRGB0, 153, 99#009middle green
- sRGB0, 129, 66#087emerald
- sRGB0, 101, 50#614reed green
- sRGB0, 73, 41#658melon
- sRGB0, 78, 39#060dark green
- sRGB33, 31, 29#070black
- sRGB96, 110, 121#740swedisch grey
- sRGB141, 135, 131#748laterite grey
- sRGB136, 144, 145#074middle grey
- sRGB112, 44, 31#831middle brown
- sRGB108, 42, 33#079red brown
- sRGB73, 50, 42#088coffee brown
- sRGB128, 129, 134#090silver grey
- sRGB155, 130, 82#091gold
- sRGB209, 200, 187#010white
- sRGB251, 208, 0#025brimstone yellow
- sRGB255, 209, 0#021yellow
- sRGB255, 191, 0#219yolk yellow
- sRGB247, 127, 0#020golden yellow
- sRGB255, 166, 0#019signal yellow
- sRGB224, 79, 0#380blood orange
- sRGB255, 134, 0#351municipal orange
- sRGB255, 98, 0#034orange
- sRGB221, 41, 0#016crimson
- sRGB177, 26, 0#330fox red
- sRGB129, 19, 0#031red
- sRGB160, 0, 0#337cardinal
- sRGB178, 25, 0#017cherry red
- sRGB183, 26, 0#348scarlet red
- sRGB143, 0, 22#030dark red
- sRGB210, 39, 0#044magenta
- sRGB255, 130, 196#413light pink
- sRGB255, 101, 116#420red pink
- sRGB255, 96, 186#421blackberry
- sRGB202, 35, 108#422mulberry
- sRGB73, 78, 109#181lilac blue
- sRGB0, 156, 234#547fjord blue
- sRGB0, 133, 252#507capri blue
- sRGB0, 121, 238#509sea blue
- sRGB0, 39, 200#536middle blue
- sRGB0, 47, 93#183ink blue
- sRGB0, 109, 241#591midnight blue
- sRGB1, 182, 236#066turquoise blue
- sRGB77, 222, 227#682ocean green
- sRGB87, 153, 0#652pin green
- sRGB179, 249, 0#063lime-tree green
- sRGB0, 215, 108#009middle green
- sRGB0, 217, 0#087emerald
- sRGB0, 144, 43#614reed green
- sRGB0, 192, 0#658melon
- sRGB0, 231, 138#060dark green
- sRGB11, 11, 11#070black
- sRGB91, 96, 105#740swedisch grey
- sRGB170, 127, 74#748laterite grey
- sRGB185, 168, 128#074middle grey
- sRGB74, 14, 7#831middle brown
- sRGB66, 13, 8#079red brown
- sRGB71, 14, 8#088coffee brown
- sRGB176, 176, 178#090silver grey
- sRGB221, 165, 23#091gold
Colors may not be a 100% color match of actual material.
ORACAL® Color Chart
Plotter Films Product Selection Tool - Good, Better, Best Guide
Films pour traceur Outil de sélection des produits Bon, excellent, meilleur
ORACAL® 970RA Color Chart
ORACAL® 651 Color Chart
ORACAL® 8800 Color Chart
ORACAL® 8500 Color Chart
ORACAL 8300 Color Chart
ORACAL® 851 Color Card
ORACAL® 651™ MATTE Color Card
ORACAL® 651 Product Flyer
ORAFILM® 1375/1377 High Performance Pure Acrylic Transfer Tape
ORAFILM® 1325/1328 Low-Energy Surface Transfer Tape